Friday, November 06, 2015

Media Magazine conference - follow-up

Thanks to everyone for your attendance, focus and engagement with the Media Magazine conference. 

Despite their technical issues (quote of the day from Sarika: "This is nearly as bad as the Media Awards!") your concentration was very good and the vast majority of you made detailed notes.

This is just a reminder that you need to type up your notes from the conference - publish it on your coursework blog please.

Finally, the conference organisers have requested we complete feedback - please follow this link and answer the questions, it only takes a couple of minutes. I've already done it and been quite harsh on the technical side but very positive about the speakers!

For anyone who hasn't brought in the reply slip and money for the BFI Library trip, that is coming up in three weeks. I'll be sending the BFI a list of your critical investigation titles next week and will not send details for anyone who hasn't paid. Thank you to everyone who has already paid for the trip - much appreciated.

Mr Halsey

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