Monday, December 07, 2015

NDM case study: News on the Tweet

News on the Tweet is a report from Newsworks (a marketing organisation representing newspapers) and Twitter designed to show the positive impact new and digital media can have on traditional media.

Read the report and answer the questions on your blog. Include the News on the Tweet infographic above in your blogpost.
  1. Why are respected news brands good news for Twitter?
  2. Why in turn is Twitter good for respected news brands?
  3. The report suggests that old and new media “are not, in fact, in direct competition, but often work extremely well together to enhance both the media eco-system and the consumer experience”. What evidence do they provide to support this idea? Do you agree with it?
  4. On page 24/25 of the report, the focus turns to 'gossip' or 'banter'. What example tweets from journalists are used to illustrate this? 
  5. Do you think the increasing amount of 'gossip' or 'banter' is harming the reputation of news and journalists?
  6. What does the report say about trust in Twitter and journalists (look at pages 34-39)?
  7. Finally, do you think new and digital media developments such as Twitter have had a positive or negative impact on traditional newspapers?

Finish for homework if you don't get it finished in the lesson - due on Friday.

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