Monday, January 09, 2017

MEST4: Linked Production planning

For your Year 13 MEST4 coursework, 32 of the 80 marks are for a piece of production work that links with your Critical Investigation. Key details:
  • You CAN work with others but the production MUST have some kind of link to ALL of your Critical Investigations. Group size limited to FOUR by AQA.
  • Video work generally should be around 3 minutes long and no longer than 5 minutes. However, certain genres or texts will be shorter than this (e.g. 30-second advertisements or 2-minute film trailers).
  • Print work must be a MINIMUM of three full A4 pages per candidate (e.g. if a pair work on print work the minimum is SIX full A4 pages).
  • Found images/video (e.g. downloaded from the internet) are NOT permitted except as minor additional material (e.g. a small cut-out of a celebrity to use on a magazine cover).
  • To achieve top marks, your work must comfortably sit alongside professional examples of the text and genre you have chosen.
  • As with AS Level work, the key to professional production work is highly detailed research into the key conventions of your chosen text.
Important note: your Year 13 Linked Production CANNOT be the same as your Year 12 brief (three-minute extract from a 30-minute arthouse film) OR the other Y12 briefs (two-minute section/trailer for a TV lifestyle show; a two-minute music promotion introducing and showcasing a new music artist). 

A reminder of your Year 12 MEST2 brief: Create a three-minute extract from your proposed arthouse film.

Writing your own Linked Production brief

Complete the following and post it to your blog in a new blogpost called 'Linked Production brief'.

Your Critical Investigation topic: 

Your Linked Production brief: 

Length/size of production (e.g. 3 minutes, 5 pages etc.): 

Give an example of an existing media text this is similar to what you plan to produce: 

Give an example of an institution that would produce or distribute your planned production:

How would your production reach its audience?

Who do you plan to work with on this project?

Preliminary exercise: Recreation task

Your Year 13 Preliminary Exercise is to produce a 30-second shot-by-shot recreation of an existing text that is similar to the production you are planning to create. Complete the following in a blogpost called 'Recreation task planning':

Name of the text you plan to recreate:

Scene/section you will recreate:

Location you will use for your recreation:

Actors you will require for your recreation:

Props/costumes you will require for your recreation:

Equipment you plan to use:

Any other relevant information:

Recreation deadline: Two weeks

MEST4 Linked Production deadline: Easter

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