Sunday, December 11, 2016

NDM News: end of unit index

We have reached the end of our main new/digital case study on the news industry and need to update our indexes to ensure we have everything we need to revise.  

January assessment
Over Christmas, you will be revising for a MEST3 Section B assessment in January as well as working on your first draft of the critical investigation. It's therefore vital that you ensure that you are up-to-date with all your exam work NOW before the workload increases further. 

NDM News index
In today's lesson you need to update your index of all of your work so far for New/Digital Media and News. The quickest way to do this is to copy the HTML from your last index blogpost and simply update it for the latest tasks. 

Your index should include the following:

1) Institution: the impact of Google on the newspaper industry
2) Ofcom report: how news consumption has changed
3) The future of newspapers: Build The Wall analysis
4) The decline of newspapers: the effect of online technology
5) The future of journalism: John Oliver and Clay Shirky
6) The decline of newspapers: Media Magazine case studies
7) Citizen journalism and hyper-reality: Media Magazine article and questions
8) News Values: theory and updating them for digital media landcape
9) Marxism & Pluralism: Media Magazine article and questions
10) Alain de Botton on the News: lecture and questions
11) Full NDM essay including paragraphs on Marxism and Pluralism
12) Globalisation and news: cultural imperialism
13) Globalisation: taking it further (Google Glass case study and capitalism)
14) Fake news and globalisation - Guardian and New York Times articles
15) News on the Tweet

Important: For your index, the text should link to YOUR corresponding blogpost so you can access your work on each aspect of the case study quickly and easily. This also means you if you have missed anything you can catch up with the work and notes and won't underperform in the assessment due to gaps in your knowledge.

NDM story index
You also need to update your separate index of ALL of your NDM stories so far. This homework was originally set on Friday 9 September which means you should have a minimum of 28 stories in your new index. 

Your index should have the story number (starting with your first story back in September as #1), the headline and a link to your blog post for that story - guidance for the original index we created last month (with top-level examples from previous years) is here.

Having already done this once, you can simply copy the HTML over from your previous index and just update it for the last eight stories. Remember, every story you post needs to be on a separate blogpost and the link in the index should go to YOUR blog post on that story, not the original article itself.

Index tasks due date: must be updated in lesson.

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